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  Applied Statistics for Public Policy

Applied Statistics For Public Policy

by Macfie & Nufrio

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 335.75
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  This comprehensive book in Applied Statistics provides the postgraduate students of public administration and political science with the statistical tools essential to analyze data and show how it can help in making intelligent policy decisions.
The authors adopt a practical, hands-on approach to help students both learn the meaning of statistical measure and explain how to focus on interpreting results, instead of spending time on memorizing and applying dozens of statistical formulas.
The book contains more than 500 end-of-chapter problems which can be solved using the Excel spreadsheet application developed by the authors to facilitate students` processing of data. The authors` Excel template titled POLYSTAT allows the users to enter numbers in the appropriate sheet and analyze the data.
The book also contains the value added CD with the POLYSTAT template and 94 sample data sets.
A fairly of large number of tables, exhibits and diagrams have been provided to illustrate the concepts discussed and to facilitate a better comprehension of the subject. ISBN 812032904X

Pages : 552
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