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  Learn Rajyoga From Vivekananda

Learn Rajyoga From Vivekananda

by Ed. Mahendra Kulasrestha

  Price : Rs 550.00
  Your Price : Rs 451.00
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  It is well known that the first presenter of Indian Culture in the West was Swami Vivekananda, who took the world by storm while appearing at the Parliament of Religions in Chicago in 1893.He became a rage in America, delivering lectures and talks on various aspects of Indian philosophy and culture. This included his exposition in quite some detail of the theory and practice of Rajayoga – or Yoga as popularly known-, which turned out to be a matter of great attraction to the enlightened section of Americans.

He is also translated the chief classic of Rajayoga, the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali, in simple English for the benefit of his students.

The great start has during the course of time turned into an all consuming worldwide movement, benefiting everybody.

The book collects all material spoken or written by the veteran on the subject, illustrated with asanas to make it more useful, and as such it holds the most significant place in the growing pile of books on Yoga. It is authentic, complete and the pioneer works on the subject, which every Yoga enthusiast should read. ISBN-8183820093

Pages : 235
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