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  Ruby for Rails:Ruby techniques for Rail Developers

Ruby For Rails:Ruby Techniques For Rail Developers

by David A. Black

  Price : Rs 449.00
  Your Price : Rs 381.65
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  Part I The Ruby/Rails landscape I: How Ruby works, How Rails works, Ruby-informed Rails development. Part II Ruby Building blocks: Objects and variables, Organizing organization, classes, Modules and program organization, Thedefault object (self) and scope, Control flow techniques. Part III Built-in classes and modules : Built-in essentials, Scalar objects, Collections, containers, and enumerability, Regular expressions and regexp-based string operations, Ruby dynamics. Part IV Rails through Ruby, Ruby through Rails: (Re) modeling the R4RMusic application universe, Programmatically enhancing Active Record models, Enhancing the controllers and views, Techniques for exploring the Rails source code. ISBN 9788177226898

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