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  Visual Basic 2005 Programming Black Book New ed ,w/CD

Visual Basic 2005 Programming Black Book New Ed ,W/Cd

by Steven Holzner

  Price : Rs 529.00
  Your Price : Rs 449.65
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  Visual Basic 2005 Programming Black Book is a comprehensive reference and problem solving guide for Visual Basic developers. It covers Visual Basic 2005 inside and out and provides hundreds of ready-to-use programming solutions. Readers will learn everything they need to know for developing and managing windows and web applications using VB 2005. Some of the critical topics covered by the new book include: language enhancements, graphics programming, ASP development, web forms and web controls, validation controls, data access with ADO.NET, binding controls, creating Windows services, and security. This edition of book now extensively covers development of web applications using VB.NET 2005 by providing intensive coverage on ASP.NET 2.0. ISBN 9788177226805

Pages : 650
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