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  Saint Heritage of India: Ramdas

Saint Heritage Of India: Ramdas

by Justin E. Abbott Mahipati Santavijaya (Tr.)

  Price : Rs 8500.00
  Your Price : Rs 7225.00
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  The Saint Heritage of India is a continuing series devoted to introducing readers-Indian and foreign-to saints from different Indian religious traditions and from different parts of the country. Ti consists of life-stories of charismatic seekers, saints, teachers, and gurus from the earliest ages to the modern times, encompassing in most cases the modern times, encompassing in most cases their literary and spiritual work and the contribution they made to the Indian society. The tradition of seeking, evaluating, accepting, and following a guru is deeply rooted in Hindu society from the time of the earliest Hindu writings. In Hinduism, it is believed that certain individuals have developed spiritually to the point where they can lead others to liberation (moksha), or give them access to spiritual states either in this life, or after death. The phenomenon of saints has always exasperated mankind, even as they maintain an ineradicable fascination over imaginations. For the saint is not only outside the normal, he also is in touch with the supernormal. The series includes well written treatises on these great men and women of India. The series ensures that the authors preserve throughout a well-balanced judgment, and never sacrifice the critical caution to the passion for the subject. ISBN - 8130701200

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