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  Labour Management Forms and Precedents

Labour Management Forms And Precedents

by H.L.Kumar

  Price : Rs 900.00
  Your Price : Rs 783.00
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All major personnel issues are covered including :

Model Appointment Letters to various categories of Employees such as Probationers, Apprentices, Factory Workers, Salesmen, Teachers, Temporary Employees, Store Keepers, Drivers, Piece-rated Workers/Fixed-period Employees, Security Contractors, Transport Contractors, Serving for Minimum Period, etc.
Model Agreements with Independent Contractors, Piece-rated Workers, Employees appointed for Fixed Period, Trainees/Apprentices.
Model Charge-sheets for various misconducts such as `Go Slow`, Insubordination, Disobedience, Habitual Absence, Late Coming, Non Performance of Duties, Stopping Work, Sleeping while on Duty, Overstaying Leave etc. etc.
Model Settlements with the Union and Workers pertaining to various demands such as Dearness Allowance, Claim for Reinstatement etc. etc.
Model Warnings for late coming, leaving work before time, irregular attendance, stopping or slowing down work, insubordination, negligence of duties.
Model Service Rules, Standing Orders, Leave Rules and Travelling Rules etc. etc.
Model Notices for Dismissal, Discharge, Suspension, Retrenchment, Closure of Establishment, Transfer of Employees, Reduction in Rank, Imposing Fine, Appointments of Enquiry Officers etc. etc.
The book also contains various other letters/agreements/orders such as allotment of accommodation to the employees, promotion, demotion/reduction in rank, stopping of increment, confirmation letters etc. etc.

It will save the management time, efforts and money normally required to design a system from scratch, while guaranteeing one that is well planned, simply implemented and easily run.

Pages : 576
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