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  Labour Problems and Remedies - (A Ready Referencer To Handle Day To Day Labour Problems Based on decided cases) 13th Edition

Labour Problems And Remedies - (A Ready Referencer To Handle Day To Day Labour Problems Based On Decided Cases) 13Th Edition

by H.L. Kumar

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 565.50
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  The relationship of employer and employee is very delicate and complex. One problem or the other does arise in day-to-day working, involving interpretation of legal provisions of various Acts based on the judicial pronouncements. At such critical juncture, one may not be able to seek proper advise despite payment of heavy charges to the experts. This book serves as a companion for ready reference and will succeed in bringing calm to troubled waters and help in avoiding impending crisis of any kind or dimension. Such problems as usually arise under Labour Laws, have been methodically arranged topicwise. The judicial pronouncements with direct bearing on the relevant problems have been carefully analysed to help better understanding of their import as well as to know their applicability and implications. For the sake of ready reference, the headings and subheadings have also been arranged in proper order and sequence to find out the solution without loss of time.

It is hoped that the book will prove to be an indispensable companion for all those who are concerned such as Factory Owners, Corporate Bodies, Trade Union Leaders, Personnel Managers/ Officers more particularly Industrialist and al others who are in any way interested in the subject matter of this book and solving day-to-day labour problems. On one hand, the statutory and technical aspects dealt with in the course of this book will no doubt help the management in the discharge of their obligations and on the other hand, it will assist in maintaining discipline, avoiding conflicts as well as in efficient discharge of their duties, without allowing any of these to impinge in anyway, on their best interests.ISBN-9789351438335

Pages : 388
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