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  Indian Women: The Ushering of a New Dawn

Indian Women: The Ushering Of A New Dawn

by Krishna Bhowmik

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 350.00
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  The Basic necessity and importance of study on women is what the book touches upon first. The book emerges out of an in-depth study of various roles, marginalisation, burning issues and aspects of Indian women, like multiple roles of women, women’s role in Human Resources Development, importance of women’s rights, importance of women education and importance of women in economic development. The book makes a sincere attempt to analyze whether women’s work is priceless or valueless. It also makes an in-depth analysis as to why it is necessary for women to work outside, the various opportunities of employment for women and the attitude of husbands towards their wives’ employment. The book reveals various problems related to women’s dual role at home and outside home, their marginalisation both in the family and at work place and analyses the problems of women in informal sector and food processing industries and also their exploitation by the upper class in spite of various special protective measures available for women workers. The book also explains the impact of modernization, industrialization, urbanization, globalisation, science & technology on Indian women and their gradual displacement from conventional employment to gradual marginalisation. The book reviews the causes of subordination of women, reviews the necessity of empowerment of women, discusses the conceptual issues for empowerment of women and analyses the ongoing approaches and strategies with particular attention to steps taken by the Government of India and NGOs and eventually suggests suitable remedial measures. The book also deals in detail with various provisions made for development of women by the Government of India during various Five Year Plans. The book explains the status of rural Indian women, Dalit women and tribal women, their oppression and various other problems faced by them, their poor educational and economic status of women in Assam. Finally, the book suggests steps and remedial measures that may be adopted for accelerating the development and empowerment of women in India.

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