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  The Art of Loving :  The do`s and don`ts of Romantic Love

The Art Of Loving : The Do`S And Don`Ts Of Romantic Love

by S. P. Sharma

  Price : Rs 68.00
  Your Price : Rs 68.00
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  Love, like faith, is said to move mountains. Indeed, one man`s love for Helen of Troy led to the launch of a thousand warships and a ten-year war between the Greeks and the Trojans.

Although the passionate moments of love are always heady, the aftermath can also be tragic, since both are inseparable elements of the same coin. While one and all would welcome love`s throbbing passion, we are all wary of its searing flame.

Therefore, the book is profusely peppered with examples of Cupid`s copious arrows that have felled monarchs and common folk, princes and paupers, seers and seekers, writers and readers.

And it is not just men who have done the chasing in man`s oldest sport. The book also narrates instances where women have pined for, wined, dined and chased men!

From Socrates to Shah Jahan, Shakespeare to Shaw, Napoleon to Nehru, Dale Carnegie to Charlie Chaplin, Horatio Nelson to Adolf Hitler, John D Rockfeller to Pt Ravi Shankar, the book throbs with countless stories and the magic of the world`s most powerful four-letter word, LOVE.

Some Glimpses:

*Romantic love in literature

*Strange man-hunts

*Ratio of pain and pleasure in marriage

*Unlucky lovers

*Spiritual love and self-less devotion

*Why elderly women make better partners;love does not care for the age-barrier

Pages : 120
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