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  Param Vir- Our Heroes in Battle

Param Vir- Our Heroes In Battle

by Maj.Gen. Ian Cardozo

  Price : Rs 295.00
  Your Price : Rs 265.50
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  This is the story of men under fire, of the courageous Indian soldier inspired by his officers. While war is an extension of the politics of a nation, it ultimately fall to the lot of the soldier to face combat on the ground. Schooled in the culture of "Service before Self", soldiers of the Indian Army take their challenges head-on, turning adversity into opportunity, overcoming impossible situations with a smile. While some of their deeds of valour are rewarded, many more need to be remembered.
What makes these men the way they are? This book helps us understand better the Indian soldier and his degree of commitment to the Indian Army, and to the nation that he serves.

-Thirty years after the 1971 Indo-Pak war: Pak Brigadier confesses to Arun Khetarpal`s father. The Brigadier had shot his son.

I have something to tell you and it concerns your son. Arun Khetarpal is a national hero... the youngest recipient of Param Vir Chakra and you and I have become very close friends. But on that fateful day, at the battle of Bade Pind, we were soldiers unknown to each other, fighting for the safety and honour of our respective countries. I regret to have to tell you that your son died at my hands. Arun`s courage on the battlefield was exemplary and he moved his tank with fearless courage and daring, totally unconcerned about his own safety. Tank casualties on both sides were very heavy, till finally it was just the two of us who faced each other. We both fired simultaneously... it was destined that I was to live and he had to die.

Pages : 228
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