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  India`s Tryst With The Atom : Unfolding the Nuclear Story

India`S Tryst With The Atom : Unfolding The Nuclear Story

by O P Sabherwal

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 525.00
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  India`s Tryst With The Atom is the first comprehensive book on India`s nuclear programme - peaceful applications as well as the nuclear weapon option. The book gives an overview of the Indian nuclear scenario - the confluence of Nehru and Bhabha which laid a sound foundation; an umbrella organization for nuclear technology acquisitions, freed from bureaucratic tentacles, where science was in command; building nuclear infrastructure and a chain of R & D centres for advanced nuclear technologies, round which India`s nuclear edifice has been built. The book gives an insight into what it calls disentangling advanced science and technology from political manipulations, nuclear diplomacy, and the games played by the Big Powers to impede India`s nuclear quest. The book is the story of a nuclear dream come true. The book unfolds Indian nuclear establishment`s great work in bending nuclear technology for Indian humanity - in medicine, agriculture and food preservation, hydrology, water management, and for providing cutting edge technology to Indian industry.

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