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  The Vedanta Sutras of Narayana Guru With an English Translation of the Original Sanskrit and Commentary

The Vedanta Sutras Of Narayana Guru With An English Translation Of The Original Sanskrit And Commentary

by Swami Muni Narayana Prasad ,

  Price : Rs 300.00
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  India`s wisdom, one may say, attained its maturity in the Vedanta -- the end or culmination of veda (knowledge). Vedanta may be seen as the finest fruit on the tree of India`s wisdom, for it brings the seeker that ultimate knowledge that ushers in the gift of self-fulfilment (ananda). Over the centuries, brilliant saint-scholars like Shankara, Ramanuja, Madhva have interpreted the Vedanta in different ways. The philosopher-poet Narayana Guru belongs to this class of noted exponents of the Vedanta. And his Vedanta Sutras is a masterpiece in his attempt to restate the original Upanishadic teaching of non-dual Reality -- his most succinct expression of that message. This book presents these sutras along with a highly-perceptive commentary that elucidates the Guru`s interpretation of the Vedantic concept in a brilliant style.

Narayana Guru`s Vedanta Sutras reveal the essential message of the Vedanta in 24 beautifully-fluent sutras. His simple and direct revaluation and restatement of the Vedanta, in general, has been found to be comprehensive and contemplative in its insight, reconciling the superficial disagreements of the Vedantic schools and restoring the pristine vision of the Upanishadic sages. In this scientific age, his work has often been acclaimed for its relevance. His Vedanta Sutras, compact yet profound in manner, is yet another example of this.

The thoroughly-engrossing commentary of Swami Muni Narayana Prasad is a unique effort. Its hallmark is his clear avoidance of exegesis with greater reliance on his personal conviction. Swami Muni Narayana Prasad places Narayana Guru on par with the sutrakaras like Badarayana, Jaimini, Gautama and Kanada with this beautiful elucidation.

ISBN : 9788124600856

Pages : 282
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