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  Central Asia: Pre-Historic to Pre-Modern Times

Central Asia: Pre-Historic To Pre-Modern Times

by B.G. Gafurov(1908-1977)

  Price : Rs 4000.00
  Your Price : Rs 4000.00
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  This work is the English version, published for the first time, of the second edition of the two-volume magnum opus of well-known Soviet Tajik orientalist B.G. Gafurov, brought out in 1989 from Dushanbe in Russian language. The first Russian edition which was published in 1972 from Moscow was followed by Tajik and Persian (in Arabic script) editions as also in the Polish language translated from Russian.

Though titled Tazhiki, Gafurov`s work is, in fact, a well-researched comprehensive historical account of the march of the peoples (not just the Tajiks) living on the compact territory of Central Asia from times pre-historic to the threshold of the modern age. Creatively developing upon the foundations laid by outstanding Soviet scholars - V.V. Bartold, A.A.Semenov and M.S. Andreev of the 20s and A.Iu.Yakubovskii of the 30s of the previous century, Gafurov`s work makes use of a plethora of historical sources of the most varied character to work out on the basis of his own research on Tajik history, as also the researches by a host of Soviet scholars in the post-war period, an inter-disciplinary framework for understanding the history and culture of the closely linked Central Asian peoples bound by age old civilisational ties with India, Iran, Afghanistan, China and Russia.

Some of the problems analysed in the book are level of development of culture and economy of Central Asia, ties with the neighbouring countries, the Aryan problem, cultural synthesis between Central Asian, Iranian, Indian and Hellenic cultures, chronology and culture of the Kushans, besides history and culture of Tokharistan and Sogd. The Marxist approach of the author is reflected in his emphasis on issues related to economic development and social transformation and the popular struggles against foreign invaders and indigenous oppressors and tyrants. ISBN 9788175412460

Pages : 1000
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