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  Social Accounting Matrix for India, 1997-98: Concepts, Construction and Applications

Social Accounting Matrix For India, 1997-98: Concepts, Construction And Applications

by Basant K. Pradhan, M.R.Saluja

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 585.00
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  This unique book presents a new Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the Indian economy. It addresses the vital need for an up-to date and detailed SAM for all India which classifies household incomes by sources of income from different occupations. It distinguishes 60 sectors of production and six categories of occupational households, seperatley for rural and urban areas. The first section of the book deals with the input - output model, an important component of SAM. Sections two evaluate the analytical dimensions of SAM, presents SAM multipliers and reviews the important applications of the SAM model for various economies. The last section discusses the various problems encountered in constructing SAM. It gives satellite accounts of the sector wise distribution of employment by education level, Sex and occupation fo rrural and urban areas and provides for the proportion of income recieved by various categories of workers. ISBN 0761933840

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