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  I Celebrate Myself : God Is No Where, Life is No Where

I Celebrate Myself : God Is No Where, Life Is No Where

by Osho

  Price : Rs 565.00
  Your Price : Rs 565.00
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  Talks on Zen God is for sale. All churches, all denominations, all religions are selling God. They are the most dangerous people in the sense that they are giving you hopes which will never be fulfilled, and they are giving you consolations you will be utterly disappointed in. Hence, I dont want to give you any hope, any promise. I simply want you to explore on your own. If you can find something good. If you cant find anything, I am helpless. But I know if you search deeply enough you are bound to find. Osho I Celebrate Myself is a remarkable book on many levels. First and foremost, Osho demolishes the belief in a God above. The way in which all religions have kept man weighed down with guilt and judgments through the domination of the priests is laid bare. And yet this book is also a joyous celebration of each one of us, showing us that celebration is our natural state of being. The idea of man passing from cradle to grave without realizing that he has an inner life seems so shocking when we are reminded of all of his potential brought to life by every buddha who has walked the earth, living proof that something more exists. We are taken on a journey as the layers are peeled away: how with three hundred so-called religions on this earth, we have been free to choose but not free not to choose. Osho makes it clear that, while he is eradicating the myth of God, his focus is in fact on the freedom of man. Simply through individual exploration using the tool of meditation, freedom from all imposed moralities is attained, beliefs drop away and man is transformed to live his potential. Fresh, new and alive, man can now celebrate his place in the cosmos. No longer struggling to make sense of his life, he is naturally at one with existence.ISBN-9788172612658

Pages : 304
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