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  Environmental Science and Engineering, 2nd Edi.

Environmental Science And Engineering, 2Nd Edi.

by Henry, Heinke

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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  Designed as an introductory-level core textbook on environmental science and engineering for students of engineering as well as for non-engineering undergraduates offering courses in environmental science, this book provides an in-depth analysis of the subject. This updated second edition is a result of the wide acceptance of the first edition and is based on the feedback and constructive comments received from the students and faculty on the previous edition. It has contributions from experts in the field-drawn both from the academic field and from the industry.

The book is divided into three parts :

Part I : Causes of Environmental Problems gives updated data on increasing population, urbani-zation, energy use and the consequences of natural and human environmental disturbances, sustainable development and preventive technology.

Part II : The Scientific Background includes a review of physics and chemistry, with additional information on atmospheric sciences, climatology, meteorology and epidemiology.

Part III : Technology and Control provides current information on water use, drinking water standards, and alternative wastewater treat-ment. It also includes discussion on biosolids management, water resources, water supply, and water pollution and air pollution sources. New case studies and site remediation techniques are integrated with chapters on solid and hazardous wastes.

The book is enriched with over 300 problems and examples making it an ideal text for students. Besides, it would prove useful to the practising engineers and the teaching community.ISBN 9788120326057

Pages : 800
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