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  Biology of the Domestic Pig, 1st Edition (H.B.)

Biology Of The Domestic Pig, 1St Edition (H.B.)

by Harry J Mersmann, Wilson G Pond

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 625.50
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  The pig is unique among the domestic animals in that it contributes to society in two ways:- (1) it is a major source of human food worldwide and (2) it has become widely used as an animal model in bio-medical research. During the ensuring years the kwonledge base of pig biology has expanded enormously as a result of increses in use of pig biomedical research and in research and Technology relate to commercial pork production as a food resource world wide.

The goal in the "The biology of the domestic pig" is to present an integrated description of current knowledge of the biology of normal pig. The intended audience remains primarily animal scientists, veterinarians, bio-medical scientists and students. The 17 chapters of the book, written by recognized authoritis in their specialized fields, not only emphasize normal structure and function, but also address specific application of the pig in medicine and agriculture, notably the prospects of the use of the pig in new roles for example, as an organ donor in xenotransplantation. The information presented and the literature cited provide a basis for continuing to develop a greater body of information.

Table of Contents

General characteristics
Ethology and Psychology
Husbandry, Anesthesia, and surgery
Reproductive Physiology
Growth and Body composition
Nutrient reqirements and metabolism
Digestive system
Skeletal and muscular systems
Respiratory tract
Cardiovascular system
Hematology and blood serum constituents
Excretory system
List to contributorsISBN-817473161X

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