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  Inportant Documents on Security and Diplomacy

Inportant Documents On Security And Diplomacy

by Arvind Gupta

  Price : Rs 995.00
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  In 2004, Indi Agred to commence the process of the "composite dialogue" with Pakistan after getting assurence from President Musharraf that he will not permit any territory under pakistan`s control to be used to support terrorism in any manner. A series of joint statements between India and Pakistan highlighted the progress being made on various issues like Sir Creek, Siachin, water issues, Srinagar-Muzaffarabad bus service, etc. The United Prograssive Alliance government in its Common Minimum Program , accorded the highest priority to "building closer political, economic and other ties" with India`s neighbours and strengthening SAARC. India also furthur strengthened its, " Stratigic Partnership" with Russia , the EU and the US. Prime Minister Manamohan Singh expounded his vision for India from different platfroms. He emphasized the need to adopt a comprehensive approach to National Security through gretear synergy between intelligence agencies and Intellectual Security Structures. At the UNGA, he emphasized the need for a more cooperative and consensual international security order which must differentiate between states whose actions strengthen non proliferation and those that weaken them. India`s concern about Global Warning, flu pandemic and information security were als9o highlighted at different fora.

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