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  Maharaja Ranjit Singh

Maharaja Ranjit Singh

by Sir Lepel Griffin

  Price : Rs 200.00
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  In writing his sketch of the life and times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the author Sir Lepel Griffin had made large and frequent use of his former illustrious works on the cognate subject-The Punjab Chiefs, The Rajas of the Punjab, and The Law of Inheritance to Sikh Chiefships. These works contain detailed histories of all the grat Sikh families in the Punjab, of the men who were the couttiers, the advisers, and the generals of the great Maharaja. There was no noble family in the province with which the author was not personally acquainted, and from their records and information, as much as from official manuscripts and documents, the history of the time was compiled. The author`s works have served as source books for subsequent scholars and writers on Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his times. "There is, perhaps, no more notable and picturesque figure among the chiefs who roses to power on the ruins of the Mughal Empire than Maharaja Ranjit Singh, the founder of the short lived Sikh kingdom of Lahore. In the stormy days at the beginning of the nineteenth century, amid a fierce confilict of races and creeds, he found his opportunity, and seizing it with energy, promptitude, and genius, he welded the turbulent and warlike sectaries who followed the teaching of Guru Gobind Singh into a homogeneous nation. Under His strong and remorseless Rule, the Sikhs... were Repidly converted into a formidable fighting michine..." ISBN 8171163041

Pages : 224
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