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  Casting Technology and Cast Alloys

Casting Technology And Cast Alloys

by Chakrabarti

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 420.75
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  This text emphasizes the underlying metallurgical principles of casting technology so that the students can develop a sound set of analytic skills, helpful in the development of improved casting processes and products. The pictorial and diagrammatic support provided throughout reinforces the clarity of the text for a thorough understanding of the metal casting concepts and technologies.

Besides comprehensive coverage of the casting processes and elaborate discussion of properties of cast irons, cast steels, and cast nonferrous alloys, the text also familiarizes the students with the most recent developments in binder systems, casting practices, solidification processing, metal filtration, metallurgy of cast alloys, alloy design, and energy and environment management.

The book is primarily designed for degree and diploma students pursuing courses in metallurgical, mechanical, and production engineering disciplines as well as for candidates studying for Associate Membership Examinations (AMIIM, AMIE, Grad. IIF). It would also benefit M.Tech./M.E. students specializing in foundry technology and allied disciplines.ISBN 9788120327795

Pages : 288
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