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  Music in Traditional Indian Theatre

Music In Traditional Indian Theatre

by Rani Balbir Kaur

  Price : Rs 1900.00
  Your Price : Rs 1767.00
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  ISBN 81-87266-99-4 The primary focus and concentration, in the traditional theatre forms in India, is on the multifarious mode of presentation. They all draw their thematic-content from common sources, such as Mahabharat, Ramayana, Gita-Govinda, Purans, and folk tales. But each forms has it`s own respective, and characteristic nature of performance that to large extent, is determined by th euse of music, song, gesture, mime, musical instruments, rhythm and speech pattern. Music being a primary feature, the coherence of theme through characters, situation and dialouge is maintained by the means of music. The aesthetics of these time-honoured representations depends on the dexterity of their musical permutations and configurations. In my survey of traditional Indian theatre, I realized it was impossible to find a living theatre in any region which does not use musicfolk, classical or semi-classical, as part of their performance. The multifarious forms, difficult form region to region and even in the same region they vary in the chorus, singing - styles, compositions and use of stringed and percussion instruments.

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