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  Temple Architecture of Eastern India

Temple Architecture Of Eastern India

by Ajay Khare

  Price : Rs 2500.00
  Your Price : Rs 2325.00
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  ISBN 8182900336 This book is a systematic overview of the temple architecture built in eastern India between the ninth and sixteenth centuries. Spanning eight hundred years, it defines the tradition of Temple Architecture of eastern India and examines the traints of continuity and of disruption in the tradition. In the absebce of many extant examples of temples in the region during this whole period, the study uses the architectual fragments and votive shrines housed in various archives and museums in the world. The study locates and identifies more than forty temples of the period up to 1500 CE, and goes on to document and analyse them in order to develop an understanding of a regional type of nagara temple. The study identifies the presence of all three modes called latina, phamsana and valabhi of the north India nagara tradition of temple architecture. An important aspects of the study is the analysis of these latina temples in terms of their aedicular components, identifying the presence of valabhi and latina aedicules superiimposed on the body of the latina temples. In the concluding part, the origin and development of the Mughal period temples characterized by the chala, bangla, and ratna types is explained, while emphasizing the continuities and elements of disruptions that had taken place since the beginning of the ninth century.

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