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  Vedanga Jyotisham

Vedanga Jyotisham

by Dr. Suresh Chandra Mishra, Jyotish Acharya

  Price : Rs 200.00
  Your Price : Rs 200.00
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  Vedanga Jyotisham is the most ancient work on the discipline called Vedic astrology. This petite composition was sermonized by sage Lagadha about 3500 years ago in the Vedanga period. The text of the work seperately pertains to the Rigveda and Yajurveda, together is known as VJ. The Atharva Jyotisha is entirely different, thus not considered a part and parcle of VJ. It was customary for Vedic Brahmans to recite the text of VJ, once a day till the 20th century.

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