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  Kundalini An Indian Paradigm of Creativity

Kundalini An Indian Paradigm Of Creativity

by Maj Gen G.D.Bakshi

  Price : Rs 160.00
  Your Price : Rs 160.00
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  From Quantum physics to the Veda this study of the Kundalini factor crosses the bounds of ordinary conceptual processes and takes us into a new world of quasars, black holes and psychotropic substances the subject of many intellectual quandaries and underground experimentation are finally blown wide apart by the putspoken revelations of G.S.bakshi who talking from his personal experiences with transcendental meditation opens up a whole new approach to this subject. Taking his inspiration from his Guru and mentor Swami Pranvananda- an engineer turned mystic and recluse- the author has ammassed the knowledge he has gained and merged it with much of the recent research on the subject. In the words of the author, "This book then, is a radical reinterpretation of the Kundalini, that ancient Indian concept of creativity; creativity that was, that is and that will ever continue to be the chief resource of any civilisation aspiring for historical greatness".

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