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  JBoss 3.0 Deployment and Administration Handbook

Jboss 3.0 Deployment And Administration Handbook

by Meeraj Kunnumpurath

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  The Deployment and Administration Handbooks simplfy the varied and often complex task of getting J2EE applications up and running on a J2EE 1.3 certified application server. Despite the J2EE standard, every application server is different. Each has its own administrative interface, and deployment process. Each interprets and implements the specifications slightly differently, adding its own proprietary features and functionality.To develop powerful J2EE applications that fully utilize the runtime services provided by the platforms in which they run, you need to be well versed with the configuration and deployment of J2EE components on the application server.The JBoss 3.0 Deployment and Administration Handbook is a guide to the variety of configurative, administrative and deployment tasks that are associated with setting up and running J2EE components on the JBoss 3.0 application server.The book covers:The JBoss JMXbased configuration architectureDeploying J2EE components: WAR, EJB JAR, and EARConfiguring JBoss SecurityConfiguring JCA and DatasourcesConfiguring JBossMQ for JMS and JavaMailConfiguring the Jetty and Tomcat Web ContainersConfiguring JBoss ClusteringConfiguring Log4J LoggingConfiguring EJB deploymentsConfiguring ContainerManaged Persistence for Entity BeansProprietary JBoss features such as SchedulingThis Handbook assumes that you are familiar with J2EE development and is focused only on deployment and administrative tasks for the JBoss application server.

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