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  Ancient Indian Heritage Varahamihira`s India (Set of 2 Vols.)

Ancient Indian Heritage Varahamihira`S India (Set Of 2 Vols.)

by Ajay Mitra Shastri

  Price : Rs 4500.00
  Your Price : Rs 3600.00
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  The book presents the priceless historical data enshrined in the treatises of Varahamihira, one of the most celebrated astronomers-astrologers that India is justly proud of. The present book takes a critical view of all the information afforded by them objectively in a historical perspective, checking, corroborating and supplementing it from contemporary literary and archaeological sources. The book happens to the perhaps the only work presenting critically at one place so much information of so many diverse topics of interest to students of geography, religious history, cosmetics, jewel industry and trade, agriculture and horticulture, civil and religious architecture, meteorology and hydrology.ISBN-9788173050831

Pages : 560
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