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  Beginning SQL Server 2000 for Visual Basic Developers

Beginning Sql Server 2000 For Visual Basic Developers

by Thearon Willis

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 446.25
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  A text for VB developers who want to integrate SQL Server 2000 into their applications. Covers everything needed to work with SQL Server 2000, covering topics like SQL Server 2000 tools, managing database security, building and deploying English query applications, and more. Softcover. This book is aimed at intermediate and advanced Visual Basic developers who already have some experience working with some other type of relational database including Microsoft Access. Experience with Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects is also assumed but not required. SQL Server is now first choice for the Visual Basic developer wanting a more powerful, reliable and sophisticated database than MS Access can provide. Microsoft is actively encouraging a growing number of users onto the SQL platform, by making it cheaply available. The new release, SQL 2000, is tightly integrated with Windows 2000, offering more support for XML and much improved OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) services.

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