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  Corporate Warriors: Teh rise of the Privatized Military Industry.

Corporate Warriors: Teh Rise Of The Privatized Military Industry.

by P.W.Singer

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 542.10
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  The new provatized militry industry encompasses hundreds of companies, thiusands of employees, and billions of dollors of revenue. Whether as proxies of suppliers, such firms have participated in wars in Africa, Asia and latin America. More recently they have become a key element in US military operations. Corporate warriors includes a discription of how the business works, as well as portayers each each of the basic types of companies: military providers that offers troops for tactical operations; military consultants that supply expert advice and traning.; and military support companies that sell logistic , intelligencies and engineering. The privatization of warefare allows starting new capabilities and efficiencies in the way that war is carried out. At the same time , however the author finds that the enterance of the profit motive onto the battlefield raises a series of troubling questions- for democracy, for ethics, for management, for human rights, and for national Security.

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