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  Selling Destinations: Geography for the Travel Professional 4/e

Selling Destinations: Geography For The Travel Professional 4/E

by Marc Mancini

  Price : Rs 800.00
  Your Price : Rs 680.00
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  Selling Destinations is the resource no student or travel professional from any sector of the industry will want to do without. The author`s salesgeography philosophy is supported by essential information on major tourist destinations around the world, as well as lesserknown hot spots. The author uses more than 300 maps, graphs and other visual aids to give the reader a wealth of information about location selection, modes of travel to and around the desired area, climate, cultural patterns, lodging options, day trips, attractions and allied destinations. Each chapter closes with a map activity testing knowledge of geographic locations and their attractions, a case study to apply the knowledge learned to hypothetical travelers and a creative activity that challenges the reader to find an innovative solution to a hypothetical situation.Benefits: NEW! This fourth edition changes its focus from travel agents to employees in all sectors of the industry.More than 100 sales activities allow students to apply knowledge they have gained in an entertaining and reallife fashion, and they give instructors readymade group activities.Nearly 300 visual elements including charts, maps, photos and illustrations draw readers in, enabling them to retain much more than they would with a traditional text book.Magazinelike prose makes reading about geography fun.Textbook and workbook in one enables students to learn and instructors to teach the most popular travel destinations and do exercises all from one book.NEW! The reader also will find more instructional activities, including Webbased activities which prompt the use of the Internet for travel research.NEW! Additionally, the American Potpourri chapter has been split into two chapters, making it easier to absorb the considerable amount of information in these sections.Table of Contents: Part I: Basic Ingredients: Geography and How to Sell It. Part II: North America: Charm of the Familiar. Chapter 1: New England: The Cradle of Charm. Chapter 2: New York and New Jersey: Broadway and Boardwalk. Chapter 3: Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.: The MidAtlantic Medley. Chapter 4: Florida: Where the Mouse Roars. Chapter 5: California and Arizona: Glamour and Grandeur. Chapter 6: Canada and Alaska: The Great White North. Chapter 7: Hawaii: Paradise Found. Chapter 8: North American Potpourri (East). Chapter 9: North American Potpourri (West).Part III: Latin America and the Caribbean: Rhythms of Culture. Chapter 10: Mexico: Tropical Fiesta. Chapter 11: The Caribbean: A Sea of Nations. Chapter 12: Brazil: Where Everything Sizzles. Chapter 13: Latin American Potpourri. Part IV: Europe: Continental Flair.Chapter 14: Great Britain and Ireland: Foreign, Yet Familiar. Chapter 15: France: The Movable Feast. Chapter 16: Italy: Pisa and Pizza. Chapter 17: Spain and Portugal: Everything Under the Sun. Chapter 18: Germany: Romantic Roads. Chapter 19: Greece and Turkey: An Odyssey of Culture. Chapter 20: European Potpourri.Part V: Africa and the Middle East: Savannahs and Sand.Chapter 21: Egypt: Riddles in the Sand. Chapter 22: Israel, Palestine and Jordan: The Holy Lands. Chapter 23: Kenya and Tanzania: The Lion Sleeps Tonight. Chapter 24: African and Middle Eastern Potpourri. Part VI: Asia and the Pacific: Rim of Mystery. Chapter 25: Australia and New Zealand: Where Things are Jumping. Chapter 26: The Pacific: Fantasy Islands. Chapter 27: Japan: Pearl of the Orient.Chapter 28: Singapore and Thailand: Crossroads of Asia. Chapter 29: China: Of Red and Gold. Chapter 30: Asia and the Pacific Potpourri. Appendix A: Average Length of StayLeisure Travelers. Appendix B: Research Resources. Appendix C: DestinationRelated Feature Films. Index.

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