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  Programming Visual Basic .NET 2003, 2nd Edition

Programming Visual Basic .Net 2003, 2Nd Edition

by Jesse Liberty

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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  Programming Visual Basic .NET 2003, Second Edition is the complete guide to application development using Visual Basic .NET. Entirely rewritten by .NET expert Jesse Liberty, the new edition of this tutorial will be essential reading for the millions of Visual Basic programmers looking to make the change to Microsoft`s .NET programming environment. Thorough, entertaining, and easy to follow, this book provides a comprehensive and detailed overview of the language, objectoriented programming, and the .NET Framework, and goes even furtheryou`ll learn how to create Windows and Web applications, as well as Web services.A comprehensive introduction to the Visual Basic .NET language, this new edition covers topics of greatest concern to VB6 programmers who wish to make the transition from traditional Visual Basic 6 programming to the new objectoriented, componentbased world of .NET. Loaded with practical examples for intermediate and advanced programmers, Programming Visual Basic .NET 2003 focuses on turning you into a proficient .NET developer.Some of the topics in the book include:Visual Basic .NET and the .NET FrameworkObjectOriented ProgrammingBuilding Windows ApplicationsAccessing Data with ADO.NETASP.NETWeb Servicesand much more Jesse Liberty`s books have successfully guided thousands of new and experienced programmers alike into the world of .NET programming and Programming Visual Basic .NET 2003, Second Edition will be no exception. This book is sure to become a key component of developers` .NET libraries. ISBN 9788173667060

Pages : 564
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