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  Web Performance Tuning, 2nd Edition

Web Performance Tuning, 2Nd Edition

by Patrick Killelea

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  As long as there`s been a Web, people have been trying to make it faster. The maturation of the Web has meant more users, more data, more features, and consequently longer waits on the Web. Improved performance has become a critical factor in determining the usability of the Web in general and of individual sites in particular. Web Performance Tuning, 2nd Edition is about getting the best possible performance from the Web. This book isn`t just about tuning web server software; it`s also about streamlining web content, getting optimal performance from a browser, tuning both client and server hardware, and maximizing the capacity of the network itself. Web Performance Tuning hits the ground running, giving concrete advice for quick results the "blunt instruments" for improving crippled performance right away. The book then shifts gears to give a conceptual background of the principles of computing performance. The latter half of the book examines each element of a web transaction from client to network to server to find the weak links in the chain and show how to strengthen them. In this second edition, the book has been significantly expanded to include:New chapters on Web site architecture, security, reliability, and their impact on performance Detailed discussion of scalability of Java on multiprocessor servers Perl scripts for writing web performance spiders that handle logins, cookies, SSL, and more Detailed instructions on how to use Perl DBI and the open source program gnuplot to generate performance graphs on the fly Coverage of rstat, a Unixbased open source utility for gathering performance statistics remotely In addition, the book includes many more examples and graphs of realworld performance problems and their solutions, and has been updated for Java 2. This book is for anyone who has waited too long for a web page to display, or watched the servers they manage slow to a crawl. It`s about making the Web more usable for everyone.About the AuthorPatrick Killelea currently works for Sun Microsystems Professional Services. Before that, he was a Web site developer with a small Internet development company in Chicago. He has worked on many wellknown Web sites, designing systems and writing software to do useful things such as locating freight trains, selecting the right shampoo for your hair, finding movie reviews, and reporting where your overnight package is. In a previous life, Patick was an embedded systems programmer, working at Motorola, Intel, and British Telecom. He attended the University of Michigan for much too long and ended up with three undergraduate degrees. He was also a book clerk at the original Borders Book Shop in Ann Arbor for several years, where he first started reading the O`Reilly series. Patrick likes to get email about Web and Java performance tips and tricks, errors in this book, questions on performance issues, and business opportunities. He`s available for consulting and teaching engagements in the San Francisco Bay Area. He lives in Palo Alto with his wife and son. Please visit his Web site at http://patrick.net or email him at webbook@patrick.net. ISBN: 9788173664410

Pages : 488
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