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  Land System And Rural Society In Early India

Land System And Rural Society In Early India

by Bhairabi Prasad Sahu ( Ed. )

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 200.00
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  Contributions in the volume highlight the growth and changing contours of historiography with regard to the agrarian history of early India. The papers deal with aspects of rural settlements, the concept of village community, the problem of ownershiop of land, agrarin change, the structure of rural sociology and rural unrest. It is a collectio that brings togethe some of the most significant interventions in the field, ralse questions about the past and offers insights for the present. it can be read and appreciated b anyone who is interested in understanding the roots of the inhuman and exploitative land system that we have inherited from early India. ISBN: 81-7304-295-0

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