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  Human Computer Interaction, 3rd Edi.

Human Computer Interaction, 3Rd Edi.

by Dix

  Price : Rs 1110.00
  Your Price : Rs 910.20
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  The second edition of Human-Computer Interaction established itself as one of the classic textbooks in the area, with its broad coverage and rigorous approach, this new edition builds on the existing strengths of the book, but giving the text a more student-friendly slant and improving the coverage in certain areas.

The revised structure, separating out the introductory and more advanced material will make it easier to use the book on a variety of courses. This new edition now includes chapters on Interaction Design, Universal Access and Rich Interaction, as well as covering the latest developments in ubiquitous computing and Web technologies, making it the ideal text to provide a grounding in HCI theory and practice. ISBN 9788131717035

Pages : 860
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