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  Foundation ActionScript for Macromedia Flash MX 2004

Foundation Actionscript For Macromedia Flash Mx 2004

by Sham Bhangal

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 361.25
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  Flash guru Sham Bhangal brings us the third edition of everybody`s favorite beginner level Flash scripting book: Foundation ActionScript. With the release of Macromedia Flash MX 2004, scripting in Flash has moved from being a desirable asset to an essential skill in the world of web design and development. ActionScript is, quite simply, the key to real power in Flash. Flash is now both a design tool and a development tool, and ActionScript can easily scare designers. This book is for anyone who has ever looked in awe at a cuttingedge Flash site, then taken a look at some code, and run in the other direction. Learning ActionScript with friends of ED will not turn you into a boring programmer, it will turn you into someone who finally has the power to achieve what they want with their web design, and can liberate their creative urges. This book will take you from knowing nothing about ActionScript to a firm knowledge that will allow you to exercise a previously unimaginable amount of power over your Flash movies. It does this with fully worked examples throughout, and a case study that will leave you with a cuttingedge Flash site by the end of the book.

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