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  Sky Sadhana Kala Yatra An Autobiography

Sky Sadhana Kala Yatra An Autobiography

by K. C. Aryan`S

  Price : Rs 1100.00
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  ( JOURNEY THROUGH LIFE ) K. C. ARYAN is a renowned modern Indian painter. Born into a family of nerenditary artists, he took to paints and brush as naturally as one does to one`s element. In spite of the fact that he breathed art, inherited and imbibed from his father, brother and others at home and around, inspite of several factors athat contributed to shape his artistic career in its formative phase, Aryan had to struggle and strive a gret deal to carve out a grand nkche for himself in the large world of contemporary Indian art, to achieve all that he has achieved. He kept his gaze fixed at his goal, remaining undeterred and unfazed by countless handicaps, prbolems and difficulties. Aryan has many firsts to his credit : first to write Urdu and Hindi calligraphy with pen and brush ( 1943 ). * first ot place on record the square fromat of Devangari alphabet in his book "Rekha". * fisrt to publish a mini encyclopaedia of Indian art, design, and cultural references. * first to make jacket covers for books with impressive and symbokic pictures. * first to categorise and bring in limelight the folk embroidery of Himachal Pradesh. * first to place on the artistic-cultural map of the world the folk bronzes of India, and subsequently India`s rural and tribal artistic heritage. * first to write on the bazar school paintings from Punjab ( in this respect, he did for Punjab waht W.G. Archer did for bengal and Bihar). * first to weite on wall paintings ( murals) of Punjab. * first to write on the cultural heritage of Punjab. * first to prove the religio-philosophical background and basis of decorative and motifs in Indian art and architecture. * first to have published a scholarly magnum-opus on Hanuman. Aryan nurtured three passions of his life-painting, art history and collection of folk-tribal artefacts-with the same devotion, doing equal justice to them. In this respect, he is a legendary figure, knownm as he is the world over as "one-man institution" and "a living encyclopaedia". But Aryan prefers to be known first and foremost as an artist. He has been honoured with many national and international awards for his distinguished and outstanding achievements : Gold Medals, Silver Medal, Bronze plaque, National Award conferred by Lalit Kala akademi, New Delhi ( 1964 ), Veteran Artist Award, Kala Vibhushan ( AIFACS ), several cash prizes and honoiurs by international art centers. He is stil active as an artist and has recently painted a series of canvases on Agni ( mystic fire ) theme. ISBN: 81-900003-8-1

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