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Law Books and Journals
Advertising And Marketing Strategies : A Lifestyle Approach
by By Savita Hanspal
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Marketers in India are under increasing pressure to become more and more competitive. In this era of mass production and customisation, the marketers have to divide the market into distinct and meaningful segments and evaluate, select and concentrate on those segments that can be served effectively. Lifestyle analysis is an important tool for market segmentation. It helps marketers and advertisers in an effective analysis of marketing and advertising efforts in terms of product planning, product pricing and promotion strategies. Though books on marketing generally refer to lifestyles, there is hardly any work devoted exclusively to this approach to marketing in India. The present book is intended to fill this vacuum. It provides a comprehensive rationale for using the concept of lifestyle to study consumer behaviour. It illustrates the application of this concept to three lifestyle-sensitive product categories, viz. Furniture, fast food and clothes. It identifies seven lifestyle groups for the middle-class consumers and suggests marketing and advertising strategies for these segments. * Contents : Chapter 1: Conceptual Framework The Concept of Lifestyle; Assumptive Marketing vs. Lifestyed Mae\rketing; Marketing of Fads Vs. Lifestyled Marketing; Marketing to Social Trends Vs. Lifestyling a Market; Lifestyle vs. psychographics; Relationship between Lifestyles and the Consumer; Decision Process; Factors Influencing Lifestyles; how lifestyles are Derived? Three Principal Missions of Lifestyle Marketing; Criteria for Lifestyles that are Marketable. Chapter 2 : The Lifestyle Concept in Marketing Literature * Chapter 3 : Identifying Lifestyles *Chapter 4 : Demographics and Lifestyles I * Chapter 5 : Demographics and Lifestyles II * Chapter 6: Consumers` and Lifestyles and Media habits * Chapter 7 : Consumers Lifetyles and Buying Behavioiur * Chapter 8 : The Lifestyle Profiles * Chapter 9 : Implications of Consumer Lifestyles for Marketing and Advertising. ISBN: 81-7708-005-9
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