The Indian Sub-Continent abounds in flora and fauna and still offers a hunting ground for Botanists and Ornithologists. Post 1850s saw a rising number of keen Ornithologists both professional and amateurs . The works of Hume, Marshall and Jerdon is till date condidered to be ultimate in Indian Ornithology. The Present work by Hume and Marshall was completed in 1881. The entire cost of Production was borne by Hume and it was due to this reason the set was published in limited number. The work, being scarce for long time now, has been reprinted for the benefit of Ornithologists, Botanists , Zoologists, Foresters, Environmentalists and lovers of wild -life conservation. The work, embellished by nearly 144 coluored lithographs of birds and over1000 pages of text is thje source material for Ornithologosts all over the world. It studies of text is the source material for habitat and their habits in munutest details. This Landmark study in munutest details. This landmark study in the history of Ornithology offers an indepth study of more than 100 species of birds found in Indian Sub-Continent. A.O. Hume generally knows as the father of Indian national Congress was also a keen Ornithologist. He is commonly referred to as the ` pope of Indian Ornithology ` owing to his immense contribution of ornithology studies. He has written many and articles.