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  The Myths Of Death Re- Birth And Resureection  The Weesdom Of The Serpent

The Myths Of Death Re- Birth And Resureection The Weesdom Of The Serpent

by Joseph L. Henderson Maud Oakes

  Price : Rs 275.00
  Your Price : Rs 275.00
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  The tribal initiation of the shaman, the archetype of the serpent, exemplifies the death of the self and rebirth into transcendent, "unknowable" life. Henderson and Oakes trace the images and patterns of spiritual initiation in religious tituals and myths of resurrection, poems and epics, the cycles of nature, and universal human responses in art and dreaming. The authors dramatize the metamorphosis from a common experience of daath`s inevitability into a transcendent freedom beyond the individual`s limitations. "This is a classic works in analytical psychology that offers crucial insights on the meaning of death symbolism ( and its inevitably accompanying rebirth and resurrection symbolism ) as part of the great theme of initiation, of which [ Henderson] is the world`s foremost psychological interpreter. This material is reallly the next step after the hero myth that Joseph Campbell has made so Popular, and provides an understanding of how not to use the hero myth in ain inflated way as az psychologu of mastery.. but as an attainment [rpgressove;u tp ne died beyond..[ He ] is help by the presence of Maud Oakes, who is a trained anthropologist with exquisite taste in her choice of mythic materials and respect for their original congexts. ISBN: 81-7822-031-8

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