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17 years of Excellence
Public Administration
Political Science Manual
by Dr. Madhu Varshney & Jag Mohan Balokhara
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Political Science has been a vague subject for the students of Political Science. But this manual has made the job easy for readers by providing invaluable study material in a most concise and compact mannaer. Inclusion of Political Theory, world Constitution, Internatinal Politics, National Movements, Indian Constitution and World Bodies has added to the quality of the Manual. * FEATURING : Introduction * State * Soverignty * Theories of Orgin of State * Justice * Rights * Equality * Liberty * Property * Democracy * The Electoral Process * Political Parites * Pressure Groups * Public Opinion * Freedom of Sp[eech * Theories of Functions of State * Liberalism * Socialism* Marxist Socialism * Fasciem * Theories of Developament & under deveopment * Constitution & constitutional Development * Parliamentary & Presidential Government * Cabinet system * Unitary & Fedral Governments * Local self governments & Welfare state * Bureaucracy * Political system * Modern approaches * Behaviouralism and post behaviourlism * Plitical development * Political culture * Political power, authority and legitimacy * Totalitarianism * Nationalism, Imperialism & Internatinalism * Nation building * International relations * national Interset * Disarmament & Arms Control * Balance of power * Collevtive security * Pacific Settlement of disputes * Regionalism * Cold war * Non-Alignment * Political thinkers * World constitutions * National Movement and constitution development * National heroes * Constittiton of India * Important works and concepts of political thinkers * United nations Organisation * Challenges before indian democracy * Research methodology in political science * Paper III Long Answer Type Questions ( 1-155) * Paper II Multiple Choice Questions And Answers ( Model Test Paper 1-11). ISBN: 81-86351-28-0
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