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  The Aryans History Of Vedic Period

The Aryans History Of Vedic Period

by By K. C. Aryan And Dr. Subhashini Aryan

  Price : Rs 1600.00
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  Till now, the wesern scholars are adamantly adhering to the false notions propagated by their predecessors two centuries ago that the term "Aryan" connotes a race. This wrong idea comp[elled them to advocate innumerable theories about the original homeland of the Aryans and till now, they have not arrived at a consensus. Ironically, these scholars named numerous countries in the world as the plcae of origin of the "Aryan racr", but deliberately ignored India. Equally ironic is the fact that most of these western scholars are Sanskritists and have studied the whole range of our ancient Sanskrit literature beginning with the Rigveda. Yet they are blind to glzaring facts or they deliberately want to overlook them. This proves nothing but the westerners` biased approach. Over the past ten yeares or so, quite a frew Indian scholars, independently or in collaboration with a handful of enlightened westerners, have raised their voice aganist this blatantly false propaganda, being perpetuated since the British raj days. Each scholar has assessed the isue of the Arans from his own standpoint, but all of them agreee on one point that India was th Aryans` original homeland, and they moved out to the rest of the world in ancient times, when the inhabitants of the seven continents were living in dark ages. The aryans were the first and foremost torchbearers of civilization; their Sanskrit language, religion and Vedic culture travelled abroad with them. This is how echoes of Sanskrit words are found in countless languages of the western world, the names of Vedic deities figure in ancient epigraphs discovered from West Asia, and the impress of Vedic culture still survives in many countries. The Aryan question has remained enmeshed and enveloped in layers and layers of controversial views. It is necessary to pierce through this aritifical veil, full of illusions and giving rise to greater illustions. The team of two illustrious art historians K. C. Aryan and Subhashini Aryan, who have devoted several decades to this study, places the fruits of their research in the present volume. Their aim is to prove that the Aryans were originally Indian and they established their colonies all over the globe thousands of years ago. They have based their research mainly on artistic and archaeological evidences. One of the fortes of this book is an attempt at Vedic chrohology, which-will be found to be useful by many future researchers and scholars. Written in an eminently readable and lucid style, this book will be avidly read by scholars and laymen. ISBN: 81-900003-9-X

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