This book contains a collection of more than 7500 quotations meticulously selected from the best possible sources, ancient as well as modern. These quotations include the most celebrated lines from Shakespeare and other literary classics, The Bible, the Bhagvadgita, the Koran, Mahabharata, the Upanishads, the Vedas and other scriptures, the wisdom of the ancient China and Greece, the beautiful thoughts of the world’s great minds, philosophers and thinkers including Indian ones like Buddha, Mahavir Swami, Guru Nanak, Swami Vivekanand, Krishnamurti, and side by side, the writings of some unknown but thoughtful writers, too.
Salient Features of the book
725 selected topics are arranged thematically for easy look-up. You can have quotations on every subject, from traditional topics like Love or Marriage, to new burning topics of modern times such as Animal Rights, Genetic Engineering, Lifestyles, Science and Religion, The Internet, etc. A few characters such as Beethoven, Diana, Newton, Gandhi, Hitler, Lincoln, Milton, Shakespeare, Shelley, who have attracted a great deal of comment, form the subject of separate theme. Besides, some famous advertising slogans, limericks and witty sayings included in the book also form the subject of separate theme. At the end of Quotations, there is a complete index of more than 1900 authors quoted, which provides brief individual biographical information as well as the page number(s) on which the author’s quotation does appear. ISBN-9789350132210