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  Oracle Utilities (Covers Oracle Database 10g)

Oracle Utilities (Covers Oracle Database 10G)

by Sanjay Mishra

  Price : Rs 100.00
  Your Price : Rs 85.00
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  The Oracle Utilities Pocket Reference is a handy, quickreference guide to the multitude of Oracle utilities that database administrators (DBAs) use every hour of every day.As the undisputed leader among database products, Oracle is grasped conceptually by most DBAs. However, they understandably may not recall the specific utility to use for a given task, and, more commonly, won`t in many cases remember the syntax to use. And that`s exactly what the Oracle Utilities Pocket Reference suppliesthe syntax and options for whatever utility a DBA needs to perform a given task.Some of the utilities documented in this guide include:SQL*Loader, for loading data expdp and exp for exporting data to another database oradebug for use in troubleshooting oadjava and dropjava for loading and unloading Java programs.Packed with information in an easytoread format, this valuable resource is ideal for any experienced DBA. Even database programmers who deal with Oracle will truly appreciate having the Oracle Utilities Pocket Reference close at hand.Authored by Sanjay Mishra, a foremost authority on Oracle systems, this convenient and compact guide is focused and tothepoint, eliminating any potential guesswork or difficult memorization. The Oracle Utilities Pocket Reference is part of the strongselling collection of O`Reilly "pocket reference" books. About the Author Sanjay Mishra has more than 12 years of experience working with Oracle systems. His key areas of interest include database architecture, database administration, performance management, scalability, software development and data modelling for missioncritical and decision support applications. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering, and a Master of Engineering degree in Systems Science and Automation. He is the coauthor of the books Oracle Parallel Processing and Oracle SQL Loader: The Definitive Guide (both published by O`Reilly & Associates). Sanjay has published several technical papers in Oracle Magazine and SELECT Journal, and has presented many technical papers at various regional, national and international conferences.

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