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  Home Hacking Projects For Geeks

Home Hacking Projects For Geeks

by Eric Faulkner,Tony Northrup

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 276.25
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  Take a geek and a PC, add one soldering iron, a home, and a copy of Home Hacking Projects for Geeks, and you`ll give new meaning to the term, "home improvement." From fearless neophytes to toolwielding masterminds, the home hacker in any geek will find new inspiration and plenty of handson guidance to take on a variety of hometransforming projects once relegated to the world of scifi.This fun new guide combines creativity with electricity and power tools to achieve cooland sometimes even practicalhome automation projects. Never again will you have to flip a light switch when you enter a room or use a key to open your front door. With a few offtheshelf devices, some homemade hardware, and a little imagination, you can be living in your own hightech habitat.Home Hacking Projects for Geeks shows hackers of all ability levels how to take on a wide range of projects, from the relatively small but energyconscious automating of light switches, to building home theaters using Windows or Linuxbased PCs, to more complicated projects like building home security systems that rival those offered by professional security consultants. Each project includes a conceptual diagram, a "What You Need List" and a small "Project Stats" section that describes the relative difficulty, time involved, and cost of the project. What`s more, each project is a workable, practical way to improve your homesomething unique that you can customize for your individual needs.The thirteen projects in Home Hacking Projects for Geeks are divided into three categories: Home Automation, Home Entertainment Systems, and Security, and include projects such as:Remotely Monitor Your Pet Make Your House Talk Remotely Control Your Computer`s MP3 player Create TimeShifted FM Radio Watch Your House Across the Network Build a Home Security System.If you`ve ever thought the Jetson`s had it made, or looked around your house and thought, "I could make that better " then you`re ready for Home Hacking Projects for Geeks.About the Authors Eric Faulkner`s love affair with technology began as a child with his first electronics project kits from Radio Shack. In his early teens, a friend`s Texas Instruments TI99/4A introduced him to computers and programming, thus sealing his fate to be a lifelong geek. Professionally, Eric`s experience is diverse. He worked for a voice messaging pioneer in the 80s, and spent three years in the Army working with nerve agents. He designed fully automated manufacturing facilities for the precast concrete industry. Then he went to college. These days Eric makes a living as a technology consultant and systems engineer. He also finds time for writing, teaching, and editing. He lives in Massachusetts.Tony Northrup a Bostonarea network security consultant and technology author, developed his interest in home automation after renting an apartment where every light was controlled by pulling a string. Tony turned to home automation products to add light switches without needing to hire an electrician or cutting into the drywall. Tony later bought a house and now uses computers to control and monitor virtually every system in his home: electrical, home theater, security, and even plumbing. Tony`s wife, Erica, ensures his home hacking projects are userfriendly and reliable, while his cat, Sammy, mangles every project within paw`s reach.

Pages : 346
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