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  Economic Botany ( Soft Cover )

Economic Botany ( Soft Cover )

by By Sharma

  Price : Rs 175.00
  Your Price : Rs 157.50
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  This book is a thoroughly revised, eomprehensive, and up to date Indian Economic Botany by Albert F Hill. The book incorporates recent developments while retaining the presentation style and balance of information hallmarks of Hill`s work. * Presents a balanced treatment of the History, Morphology, Cultivation Techniques, production and modern usage of all important plants. * Provides tabular information on technical sata such as the latest available production figures, yield per hectare, nutritional content, etc....for easy comparison, consultation and analysis. * Gives valuble information on the chemistry of natural plant products and their role in human welfare. * Includes new chapters on Psychoactive Drugs and Food Adulteration. * Profusely illustrated has 199 photographs and 98 line diagrams in all. With these distinctive features, the book would prove to be an indispensable text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of botany, agriculture, horticulture and forestry. * Contents 1. The importance and Nature of Plant Products. 2. Fibers and fiber plants. 3. Forest Products : Wood and Cork. 4. Forest Resources 5. Tanning and Dye Materials 6. Rubber and other latex Products 7. Gums and Resins 8. Essential Oils 9. Fatty Oils and Waxes 10. Sugars, starches and cellulose products 11. Medicinal Plants 12. Psychoative Drugs 13. Fumitories and Masticatories 14. The History and nature of food plants 15. The major cereals 16. The Minor Cereals and Small Grains 17. Legumes and Nuts 18. Vegetables 19. Fruits of Temperate Regions 20. Tropical Fruits 21. Spices, condiments and other flavoring materials 22. beverage Plants and Beverages 23. Food Adulteration. ISBN : 0-07-463645-6

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