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  Programming ASP .net

Programming Asp .Net

by By Jesse Liberty & Dan Hurwitz

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 450.00
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  ASP.NET is the neaxt generation of Active Servaer Pages from Microsoft. More than a mere upgrade, it is designed to support the development of dynamic and data driven web applications and services in much the same way Visual Basic historically supported the rapid-development of applications on Microsoft Windows desktop applications. This book`s concise treatment of ASP.NET basics and greater focus on applications development tragets experienced progeammers and web developers who want to quickly create ASP.NET applications. Programming ASP.NET draws on the experiences of alpha and beta testers to cover the topics most relevant--and problems most troublesome--to web developers. The many short examples, rather than a single, unmangeably large application, allow the widest range of constructs, both valid and incalid. Sales Points :* ASP.NET builds on the successful Microsoft ASpn technology to take advantage of the Microsoft .NET platform * We expecat web programmers will be compelled to adopt ASP.NET, more so than the adoption of ASP Version 3.0 * Release of Programming ASP.NET will correlate closely to the first release of the .NET SDK,providing timely availability to customers ISBN: 81-7366-384-X Size : 7 X 9.5 Pages : 600

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