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  Essential Oil Crops

Essential Oil Crops

by Weiss E. A.

  Price : Rs 2500.00
  Your Price : Rs 2500.00
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  Plants producing an aromatic oil, fruit, or seed have been used in religious ceremonies, for personal use and adornment, and for flavourijg throughourt history. There is now also world wide pressure by consumers to use perceived natural compounds in edible and personal products. It is vital that producers should be able to sevice this growing demand efficientluy, economically and above all reliably. Many essential oil crops are part of the economy of countries with expanding populations, resulting in increrasing pressure on land to produce food and fuel. It is thus important to ensure the optimum social and economic benefit from establishing growing essential crops. This book is concerend with growing essential oil plants profitably to obtain an aromatic derivative. Each chapter covers a different family. Abried history of the use and economic development is given and cultivation, harvesting and distilling described. Results of current research and recommendations for improved agronomic practies, together with methods of adding value to the crop, such as producing honey or processing the oil, are also disussed. This book is key reading for all agricultural advisers, researches, agronomists and extension workers, working on rural improvement in developing ecomomies. It also contains valuable information for specialists involvedf in the use of essential oils, and commodity traders. CONTENTS: 1. World trade in essential oils 2. Annonaceae. Cananaga 3. Geraniaceae. Pelargonium. Geranium 4. Gramineae Citronella. Lemongrass. Palmarosa and Gingergrass. vetiver 5. lamiaceae. patchouli. 6. Lauraceae. Camphor Cassia cinnamon Sassafeas. ocetea. Laurel. Litsea cubeba. 7. Myristicaceae. Nutmeg 8. Myrtaceae. Clove Euclayptus. Melaleuca. Leptospermjm Pimenta Myrtle 9. Oleaceae. Jasmine. Osmanthus 10. Piperaceae. Pepper. Cubeb. betel pepper. 11.Rosaceae. Rose 12. Rutaceae. Lime. Bittter Orange. bergamot Orange Lemon. Graperfruit Mandarin Sweet Orange. boronia West Indian Sandalwood 13. Santalaceae. Sandalwood 14. Zingiberaceae. ginger15. Distilling and exrtracting Essential Oils. 1997 ( H.B. )

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