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  Prehistory People`s History Of India 1

Prehistory People`S History Of India 1

by Irfan Habib

  Price : Rs 90.00
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  Prehistory by Irfan Habib describes the earliest ages of human life in India, long before the existence of written records.
It is part of a larger project, a People’s History of India, but is also intended to stand alone as an independent monograph. In this monograph, as well as others in the series which will be published successively, the style is sought to be kept simple
without making it ‘popular’, rhetorical or inexact. The monograph is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 treats in brief the
geological formation of India, and changes in its climate and natural environment in so far as these relate to an understanding of our prehistory and history. Chapter 2 provides the story of man, first in the global context, and then within India. Chapter 3
describes the coming of agriculture and the beginnings of exploitative relationships. Technical or controversial matters that
need special attention are dealt with in notes appended to each chapter. There are biblio-graphical notes, where the more
important books and articles covering the subject of the chapter are listed with brief comments. There are also tables, maps and
figures, which are useful aids in understanding the subject as well as interesting in themselves. Irfan Habib, formerly Professor of History at the Aligarh Muslim University, is a well-known
historian and author of The Agrarian System of Mughal India 1556– 1707 (1963; second rev. edn 1999), An Atlas of the Mughal Empire (1982), and Essays in Indian History: Towards a Marxist
Perception (1995). Paperback x + 78 pages 9.5 x 6.25 inches ISBN 81-85229-43-0 2001

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