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  VB Script Pocket Refernce

Vb Script Pocket Refernce

by By Paul Lomax, Matt Childs & Ron Petrusha

  Price : Rs 60.00
  Your Price : Rs 60.00
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  Whether you`re developing code for Active Server Pages, client side scripts for Internet Explorer, code for Outlook forms, or scripts for Windos Script Host, this book will be your constant companion. Based on the bestselling VB Script in a Nutshell, this samll book details every VB Script language elemetnt--every statement, function, and object--both in VB Script itsrlf and in the Microsoft Scripting Runtime Library, Entries are arranged alphabetically by topic, so that you can, for instance, easily find details about that string-handling function that you can`t remember. In addition, appendixes list VBScript operators and VBScript intrinsic constants. Regardless of how much experience you have programming with VBScript, this is the book you`ll pick up time and time again as your standard quick reference guide to the VBScript language. It is indispensable for anyone writing scripts with VBScript Sales Points : * Includes a complete reference for VBScript, designed to help users access information quickly * Worldwide, there are approximately two million ASP programmers- a large majority of these use VBScript * Can be merchandised in conjunction with other successful scripting language pocket references ( JavaScript, Perl, Python) * Customer comments on Amazon indicate a need for such a quick reference guide * Fills a unique role in focusing on VBScript itself rather than being a rehashed discussion of Visual Basic like other books on the market * Will be popular with Active Server Page ( ASP) developers as they link databases to the World Wide Web using VBScript ISBN: 81-7366-330-0 Size : 4.25 X 7 Pages : 118

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