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  Professional ASP XML

Professional Asp Xml

by Mark Baartse,Richard Blair,Luca Bolognese,Dinar Dalvi

  Price : Rs 525.00
  Your Price : Rs 446.25
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  Microsoft`s Active Server Pages (ASP) and the Extensible Markup Language (XML) are two of the hottest Web technologies, but each, because it is a complex topic in its own right, usually is documented individually. Professional ASP XML ties the two together in an important way, illustrating how to utilize them both to produce nextgeneration Web applications.This product of several Wrox authors shows how and where XML fits in with ASP development, and whets the reader`s appetite for creative solutions to typical datahandling problems. Because the focus of the book is a step beyond the XML specification itself, the basics of XML are covered up front in a quick and practical discussion. The authors do a great job of explaining the Document Object Model, as well as the DTDversusschema controversy. Then it`s on to the fun stuff: a look at how to build XSL style sheets dynamically from a database, bind XML data locally with data islands, and construct a component that encapsulates reusable XML file operations.The best way to grasp the power of XML, however, is to see it in action. Fortunately, the authors devote a large portion of the book to case studies that use XML in various ways: to drive an online survey system, generate programmer documentation for DLLs, represent a shopping cart, and serve as the glue behind a workflow application. If you`re developing for the Web, sooner or later you will find XML either useful or necessary. This book should be required reading for any serious ASP developer.Stephen W. PlainTopics covered: XML syntax DTDs and schemas XSL and CSS ASP/XML integration, ADO/XML integration Clientside XML data binding XML procedure libraries Schema repositories SOAP Data transferring Data presentation.Shows how to combine two of the most powerful technologies available to the Internet developer. Explains XML theory from first principles. Provides a discussion of DTDs and Schemas. Teaches styling of XML data using CSS and ASP. Covers the inbuilt support for XML in ADO 2.5. Reviews BizTalk and SOAP, and more. Softcover. XML, the Extensible Markup Language, is a platformindependent language for describing data. The XML and related specifications, as well as the Document Object Model, have all been developed with language independence in mind. This was done to allow any programmer to use these powerful protocols and object models in their own language of choice, thus providing a huge development potential for the XML community and offering a myriad of opportunities to developers working with established technologies. ASP has long been leading technology for serverside, dynamic web applications. And XML, as the newest markup language and a standard format for the universal sharing of data, is undoubtedly set to become an intrinsic part of all major development both on the Web, and in the wider business community. The next generation of web sites will inevitably combine these technologies as ecommerce matures and developers look for more efficient ways to integrate Internet presence with business systems.

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