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  Professional .NET Framework

Professional .Net Framework

by Kevin Hoffman,Jeff Gabriel,Denise Gosnell,Jeff Hasan

  Price : Rs 600.00
  Your Price : Rs 510.00
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  Professional .NET Framework has been designed as a practical guide to the .NET Framework. It covers the Common Language Runtime environment in which .NET applications are deployed and managed along with the fundamental structure of the base class libraries upon which Microsoft`s .NET platform relies. It has been written using beta 2, a feature complete version of the .NET Framework.This book provides the essential aerial view of the framework, placing .NET in a meaningful context with current programming frameworks, before delving into detail with a thorough, practical, exampleled approach to exploring and working with the constituent parts of the framework. The book drills down to a level which scopes specific classes in detail yet retains a focus on imparting information in the most practical, relevant and useful way, to make the transition to .NET as smooth and clear as possible. Who is this book for?This book is for anyone who wants to gain a solid grounding in how the .Net Framework works and what is possible with it. To get the most out of the code samples, readers should have some experience with either C# or VB.NET. What does this book cover?An introduction to the .NET FrameworkThe Common Language Runtime and executionThe .NET class libraryThe System namespaceWorking with dataEngineering applications and Web ServicesRemotingMigrating to the .Net Framework

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